Can we guess why YOU think it's Good To Be Alive right now?

Let us guess why you think it's good to be alive right now! While you're at it, go ahead and listen to Andy Grammer's amazing new single #GoodToBeAlive:

Created by quizzzer (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

If you could have your choice, you would be...

Where would you live?

When you hear Andy Grammer's new single, 'Good To Be Alive', you...

On weekends, you...

Dream date scenario?

Your friend asks you to hangout on Friday. You answer with...

Ideal celeb date?

Friends cancel on your plans. You...



Why is it good to be alive??? Because there's a whole lot of world out there, and traveling is your game. You love seeing new places, trying new things, and meeting new people. Yeah, it's definitely good to be alive right about now.

Listen to Andy Grammer's latest single, #GoodToBeAlive for your travel playlist:

Delicious Food

Delicious Food

Food. Delicious food like pizza, cheeseburgers, french fries, watermelons, and cake. These are all reasons why it's good to be alive right now. Enjoy the sweets and the savories. What's your reason it's good to be alive? It's definitely delicious food.



Because your friends will always have your back, will always be there for you, and will create memories with you. Friends is your reason why it's good to be alive right now, so do them a favor and show them the greatness of Andy Grammer's new single, #GoodToBeAlive



Because who doesn't love to sit down and binge watch an entire season of their favorite show? Why is it good to be alive right now? We could give you 100 reasons on Netflix, Hulu, or HBO. Now kick back, relax, enjoy the comfort of your home and jam to Andy Grammer's new single, #GoodToBeAlive:

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021