What Liar are you?

Which pretty little liar are you

Laila ritter
Created by Laila ritter (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 6, 2015

When you're not in school what are you doing?

what type of dress do you perfer

what's your style

what's the place you feel most confortable

Who is the cutest

what's one word to describe you

what do you think about school



you are always looking for attention any way you can get it. Secretly you're as brave as it comes. You are popular and beautiful but you never let that get in the way of your true friends



You are sort of a loner and come off as beautiful, mysterious and brave. but behind that tough exterior is a total softie that only your friends can see.



you are studious and sporty. You want to be good at everything you try to impress your family which gets frustrated. So you come to your friends to help you realize that nobody is perfect



you are sweet, loving and amazing at sports. you love exercising and exploring. You might come off as the most innocent girl in school but behind that your are a tough and brave girl who will do anything for her friemds

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