How many people have a crush on you (for girls only)

E. V. Kennedy
Created by E. V. Kennedy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 9, 2018
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You're at the amusement park and there are so many things you could do. Do you choose...

You're driving and you see a homeless child with little clothes. Do you...

You're being bullied. What do you do for yourself. Do you...

Someone is annoying you. Do you...

You see someone else being bullied. Do you...

Your mom said you couldn't go to prom. Do you...



You are the fun loving girl and has always been from elementary years. You are kind and will do anything to make others happy. You can make people laugh and comfort them all the time. Most boys like that. Keep it up girl!



You have lots of boys who are your friend because they don't know if they like like you or not yet. You are really fun to be around and have patience. You are sweet and can't get really mad even if you do. Keep going and make more friends you'll get there eventually.



You have a really short temper and if someone is mean to you you'll fire back with the same furious attitude but worse. You aren't very fun to be around and you're the queen bee. People hang with you because they don't want you to feel bad and aggressively try to kill them or something. You're also really lazy. People are careful not to light that fuse!



Wow! You are the sweetest girl in town and have the best reputation. People think you could be an actual angel. You are shy to talking to boys and flirted by keeping eye contact. You were only manipulated by the people who hated you the most (barely anyone). And you're pretty. boys like that stuff.

How many people have a crush on you (for girls only)

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