What Should Your Animagus Form Be?
What Should Your Animagus Form Be?
What form should your animagus take? Cat like McGonagall, Stag like James Potter, or maybe something entirely different!
What form should your animagus take? Cat like McGonagall, Stag like James Potter, or maybe something entirely different!
![Lara Stokes](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/861ee486-25a5-4e7b-bb6e-36fc08287662.jpg)
Choose a Hogwarts House:
Choose a location:
Choose a spell:
Which class would you most want to take?
Pick a Deathly Hallow:
Choose a broomstick:
Choose a wand:
Grim Wolf
Grim Wolf
Your animagus should be the Grim Wolf, a large black ghostly dog figure, often associated with death. Don't be worried though, this just means you'r adamant about what you want in life, and even if you're misunderstood you know and accept who you are and that's what counts. Grim have a reputation for haunting church yards, though this is actually a misunderstanding, as they are in reality guarding the lost souls there, just as you consider yourself to be fiercely loyal and protective of all your loved ones. The grim wolf animagus form would be perfect to your personality.
Your animagus should be the Cat. You know the importance of silence and observation, and how they play a role in understanding the best time to strike. You know how to take it slow when necessary and remain calm, but when push comes to shove if you or your loved ones are threatened, you won't hesitate to bare your claws. This animagus form is perfect for you, just as it was for renowned Professor McGonagall.
Your animagus should be the Phoenix, a large swan-sized scarlet bird with red and gold plumage. No matter what life throws at you, you don't hesitate to reinvent yourself to become an even better version of yourself, just as the phoenix has the ability to regenerate itself. The phoenix song has the power to increase the courage of the good and strike fear into the hearts of the evil, which is why it should be your animagus form.
Your animagus should be the Stag, a male deer and reoccurring Patronus of the Potter family. You must be very protective of your loved ones, and this noble creature, popular in the forests, would be the right Animagus for you. You're witty and brave, just like the Stag, making it the perfect animagus for you.
Your animagus should be the Falcon, a large and powerful bird with a noble heart and the mind of a predator. Nothing can get in the way of the Falcon's mission once it sets its mind on something, which is good for a determined person like you. Having a falcon as an Animagus form would allow you the freedom you desire above all else but allow you to retain their strengths against your personal prey. The Falcon is the perfect Animagus form for you, as it'd allow you to achieve anything.