what city should you live in?
what city should you live in?
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the pics aren't mine.

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which appeals most
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new york city
new york city
the biggest city in the us, new york city includes the empire state building, times square, and the statue of liberty. its nickname is the big apple.
los angeles
los angeles
los angeles is all about film and t.v. after all, it is the biggest film and movie industry in the united states! los angeles is home to that hollywood sign you see in oh-so-many movies, the walk of fame, and universal studios.
chicago is the third largest city in the united states. it is home to the john hancock center,tribune tower, and the navy pier, where part of the movie divergent was filmed.
philadelphia, being the largest city in PA, is home to many historical sites, including the liberty bell, independence hall, and the eastern state penitentiary. its colleges include the university of pensylvania, temple university, and drexel university.