20% Of People Are Guided By Their Gut And 80% By Their Head. What Are You?
20% Of People Are Guided By Their Gut And 80% By Their Head. What Are You?
Our intuitive instincts guide us through our daily lives but what really drives you? What voice do you actually listen to?
Our intuitive instincts guide us through our daily lives but what really drives you? What voice do you actually listen to?

You're alone in a room with a box of chocolates. You're told you can either eat one now and that's fine, or wait an hour and be given 2 - which do you choose?
How long does it take for you to send an email back to your boss?
What does the average shopping trip look like?
Pick one...
You have just been offered a new job. It is not in the career field that you want but the money is great and there is an opportunity to travel. What do you do?
Hypothetically, if there was a fire in your room and you could only save one thing, what would it be?
You are an older single woman, you are with a man who is ok but not wow. What do you do?
What image are you drawn to?
What colour touches your soul?
You follow the deep pulsating force that lies within your belly. When you are faced with difficult decisions in life, you instinctively listen within and follow your gut instinct. You find it easier than other people to make decisions as you are incredible in tune with yourself and recognising what makes you happy. Some decisions might feel impulsive but your instincts will always lead you down the right path, as long as you keep listening to that inner voice.
You follow your decisive and logical reasoning brain. You understand how you feel but you always need to rationalise it. You have lived through a lot of experiences in life and understand that sometimes your gut instinct doesn't always lead you where you need to go. You take your instincts and impulses into account but your life has taught you to consider many other factors when making a decision, and that's served you well.