How Much Of An Addict Are You?
How Much Of An Addict Are You?
Do you have a totally addictive personality?
Do you have a totally addictive personality?

Look at this chocolate bar, realistically how much would be left in 10 minutes?
How much of this bottle would you drink in a night?
How many hard drugs have you tried?
How many nights can you sleep alone without calling your boyfriend?
How many cups of coffee do you need to wake up?
How often do you open Facebook on a daily basis?
How many sugars do you have in your tea?
When you go shopping what do you usually return home with?
How often do you take ibuprofen?
Total Addict
Total Addict
You are a total addict. You have a really addictive personality and are famous among your friends for the intensity of your addictions and the strength of your personality. It's not just conventional things you get addicted to - you find yourself craving TV shows, places and even people. Being around you means there is never a boring moment and your charismatic and more-ish personality simple makes people love and want more of you!
A few addictions
A few addictions
You acquire select and varied addictions. You're not entirely sure what it is that makes you addicted to something and your addictions are few and far between, but once you're hooked, you're hooked. You can rewatch a TV show series several times and not get bored, or have brief love affairs with a particular chocolate bar - but as easily as you get hooked, you lose interest when something new comes along.
You are teetotal and couldn’t be anymore addiction-free and self-loving. You have total control over yourself and struggle to understand people who don't have this strength. You have passions in life but your motto is "everything in moderation" so you make sure you avoid overindulging.