How Well Do You Remember Sabrina The Teenage Witch 20 Years On?
How Well Do You Remember Sabrina The Teenage Witch 20 Years On?
Can you remember this fab TV show?
Can you remember this fab TV show?

Created by LaurenBuzz
On Aug 23, 2016
1 / 13
What were Sabrina's aunts called?
2 / 13
When did Sabrina find out she had magical powers?
3 / 13
What is Sabrina's surname?
4 / 13
What is the Spellman family secret?
5 / 13
What was the name of Sabrina's high school heartthrob?
6 / 13
Why is Salem doomed to be a cat forever?
7 / 13
Who is this?
8 / 13
How does Sabrina end?
9 / 13
What were Sabrina's best friends at school called?
10 / 13
Which college did Sabrina go to?
11 / 13
Where would you find the door to the other realm?
12 / 13
How old is Salem the cat?
13 / 13
Why does Harvey originally break up with Sabrina?
Questions left
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