Mathematicians: Test Your Brain Skills & Beat These Child Geniuses!
Mathematicians: Test Your Brain Skills & Beat These Child Geniuses!
How much of a clever clogs are you? Can you beat a child genius at A-level maths?
How much of a clever clogs are you? Can you beat a child genius at A-level maths?

Created by LaurenBuzz
On Aug 20, 2017
Gold Star!
Gold Star!
Congratulations, you just beat these child geniuses. This maths quiz was aimed at A level maths students to which only the smartest kids in the world have been able to pass. This shows you are on par with them so well done clever clogs!
F for FAIL!
F for FAIL!
Fail! You just flunked A level maths and we don't blame you. Only super smart genius kids have been able to ace this quiz so don't worry. Maths isn't everyone's strong point and you are part of 99% of people who also flunked this quiz! Time to go back to the blackboard and start studying those sums.
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