This Philosophical Quotes Test Will Determine Your Life Purpose
This Philosophical Quotes Test Will Determine Your Life Purpose
Take a look at these thought provoking quotes and let's see which answer leads you to your true life purpose
Take a look at these thought provoking quotes and let's see which answer leads you to your true life purpose

Friendship is...
Success is fueled by...
Your life purpose in this world is to give, share and spread love. You understand that in order to be truly happy one needs to feel at peace in the world and you find that peace through loving others and giving love. You are happiest when surrounded by friends and family and know that this is what makes you feel 100% complete.
Your sole purpose in this world is to build a strong sense of community. You are a home maker and you love building a strong sense of support network around you. You understand life can be difficult but that when you focus on what you want and have the support of your family and friends you know you can conquer the world.
Your life purpose to have a successful and thriving carreer. You love what you do and let's be honest you are great at it. People can't get enough of you and you thrive of being busy and smashing targets. You already know that this is your life purpose and you are looking for the meaning of life through achieving more and more success.
Your purpose in life is to travel the world and keep exploring. You are on a constant search of discovery and can't stop until you find who you really are and what you really want. You thrive off new adventure and people and love a constantly shifting and transient environment. You tend to work job to job and you don't mind as you know what really makes you happy is the world and feeling free.