What Is Your Past Life Karma Lesson?
What Is Your Past Life Karma Lesson?
How do you know what the actions of your past were and how do they affect your current day?
How do you know what the actions of your past were and how do they affect your current day?

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Your past life karma involved many struggles and in this world you may find yourself constantly faced with troubling decisions and situations. Your test in this life is to learn how to overcome the challenges that present themselves to you and overcome your past life karma to become a better person. The world can sometimes feel like it wants to eat you alive but your true test in this life is how to battle with it and overcome such instinctual desires and work on being a better person in this next karmic chapter of life.
The lesson you should take from your previous life is to learn to face up to challenges. In your previous karmic life you had a good life with few challenges, in this life, you find it difficult to motivate yourself but this is what you must overcome in this karmic chapter. You are constantly being tested on your own self will and in this life you must learn what it means to have self motivation and challenge oneself and the world to make it a better place.
The lesson you have learned and brought with you into this world is to provide support and nurturing wherever you can . Your previous life karma shows you were given a lot of support and it is in your duty to give this back to people in this lifetime. You are naturally a people person and highly empathetic, and people feel drawn to your warm and generous nature.
The lesson you have brought to this life is the importance of giving. In previous lives you took a lot, which is what has pushed you onto this journey in learning the value of giving. This is your personal challenge and the discovery and loss of ego is what you must work on in this lifetime. You might find it difficult to think outside of your world but your karmic purpose is to give back and change this beautiful world for the better this lifetime.