What Kind Of Dreamer Are You?
What Kind Of Dreamer Are You?
What do your dreams say about your personality and how you handle the real world?
What do your dreams say about your personality and how you handle the real world?

How quickly do you fall asleep?
What animal features often in your dream?
When you wake up do you remember your dreams?
Where do your dreams usually take place?
How are your dreams structured?
When do you feel most imaginative?
What do you fear the most?
Are your dreams ...
What was your last dream about?
Healing Dreamer
Healing Dreamer
You are a spiritual healing dreamer. With your gifted nature you are able to organise all aspects of your life and put them into perspective whilst you dream. Your time of rest is when you restore yourself to full strength, and when you wake up, you are totally refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Your subconscious uses this time to prioritise and organise your thoughts, conserving energy for the day ahead. Healing dreamers are much more likely to be morning people.
Lucid Dreamer
Lucid Dreamer
You are a lucid dreamer and can control your dreams however you want! You are creative, intuitive and powerful and these elements come out most clearly when you dream. Due to your creative power you can control your dreams and explore different opportunities and problems that you are faced with. You are the creator of your destiny in both the dream world and the real one!
Disturbed Dreamer
Disturbed Dreamer
You are a disturbed dreamer. You have a hidden strength and a strong loyal character which comes out whilst you slumber. You often sleep talk, sleepwalk or fidget nervously while you're sleeping, because your waking self suppresses all your worries and fears, so they have to find release when you sleep. Find solace by speaking to friends and family about your troubles, and restful sleep will come to you.
Prophetic Dreamer
Prophetic Dreamer
You are a prophetic dreamer. You are an observant, imaginative and wise dreamer who has had several prophetic visions. You have a special imaginative gift where you can explore many elements of the human psyche. You find that real life often feels a bit too familiar, almost like you've been there before - in your dreams, at least. Take a few moments each morning to try and remember your dreams from the night before, you might find guidance or warnings for what's yet to come in your life.