Which Hitchcock Film Do You Belong To?
Which Hitchcock Film Do You Belong To?
Are you a secret Pyscho? Like to look out the Rear Window and watch The Birds but have a fear of Vertigo? Let's see what Hitchcock world you belong in!
Are you a secret Pyscho? Like to look out the Rear Window and watch The Birds but have a fear of Vertigo? Let's see what Hitchcock world you belong in!

What is the worst way to die?
What drives you crazy?
What ordinary things do you fear?
How would you describe the relationships you fall into?
What is your preferred form of movement?
Which personality disorder do you think reflects your own personality the most?
What is your favourite Hitchcock film?
How would you describe your lifestyle?
You belong in the world of Norman Bates. Not to such an extreme that includes stabbing in the shower but your life is often full of unexpected trials and tribulations. You often act on impulse and can make impromptu decisions that can lead you to unexpected places. It is good to trust your gut instinct and take risks but it is important to be aware of everyone you meet and take time to judge people’s characters carefully as people might not always be what they seem. You are wary of people’s relationships with family members and you love driving in the rain looking for an adventure. You tend to be open and trust people very easily, which can have wonderful and unexpected consequences.
Rear Window
Rear Window
You belong in the world of Rear Window. You are an excellent observer and love watching the world go by. You tend to avoid drama but due to your perceptive nature, you keep a close eye on those around you. You pay close attention to detail and love problem solving. You enjoy the company of animals and falling in love. You prefer to be calm but when you need to say something, you are not afraid to do so. You are fight for justice and even though you might find it difficult to be super productive you always find the answer that you are looking for.
The Birds
The Birds
You belong in the world of The Birds. You might be considered someone who enjoys the finer things in life and you have an intense respect for animals. You are a romantic at heart and will do anything for love and love showering your partner with extravagant gifts. When things take a strange turn you can often feel nervous and question the world around you. However, you are trustworthy and tend to believe what people tell you. You live a quiet life and often things can invade your privacy just when you don’t need them to. It might take you a while to muster strength to overcome difficulties in life but you always come out a better person.
You belong in the world of Vertigo. You might find you have a fear of heights and can often feel paranoid when you think about the past but you are a strong human being and can overcome your fears when you face them. You are a true lover and fall in love very easily. You might be frightened of letting yourself love due to bad experiences in your life, but when you let go you fall literally head over heels. You tend to become very obsessed with things easily and will do anything to follow your dreams.