What Does Your Waffle House Order Say About You?
What Does Your Waffle House Order Say About You?
You'd be surprised.
You'd be surprised.

When can we most likely find you at Waffle House?
Where would you like to sit?
What can we get you to drink?
Ready to order? What are you in the mood for?
How would you like your hash browns?
How would you like your eggs?
Another side?
Nothing out of the ordinary phases you. You thrive in the path less taken.
Advice: Try to appreciate the simpler things in life. You'd be surprised how yummy plain ol' scrambled eggs can be.
Control freak
Control freak
You know exactly what you want from Waffle House, and from life. Some people think you're bossy, but you just know what others should be doing.
Advice: If the cook accidentally adds peppers to your hash browns, don't get bent out of shape -- give 'em a try.
Free spirit
Free spirit
You're a go with the flow kind of person, happily at home in any situation. It's all gravy!
Advice: If you tell folks you'll meet them for breakfast, don't keep them waiting. Try to arrive on time, for once.
What matters to you most is that everyone is happy. You often put others before yourself.
Advice: If your order comes out wrong, don't be afraid to send it back.