How Well Do You Remember The Parent Trap?
How Well Do You Remember The Parent Trap?
The Parent Trap was released in 1998 and starred Lindsay Lohan as both Hallie and Annie. Let's see if you can answer these tricky questions about this millennial classic!
The Parent Trap was released in 1998 and starred Lindsay Lohan as both Hallie and Annie. Let's see if you can answer these tricky questions about this millennial classic!

What do Hallie and Annie both eat with their Oreo cookies?
Which fruit are Annie and Hallie both allergic to?
What is the name of Hallie's Nanny?
What is Hallie's favorite food?
How did Hallie and Annie meet?
Which hotel does Nick and Elizabeth meet in?
What language does Annie speak besides English?
What is the name of Hallie's teddy?
What is Nick's fiance's name?
When is the twins' birthday?
How many moves are there in Annie and Martin's handshake?
What does Hallie put behind Annie's ear when she pierces it?
Who has Annie never heard of?
What did Elizabeth throw at Nick when he left her?
What does the twins' grandfather smell like?
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