9 Sleep Tips to Make Sure You Get An Amazing Night's Rest
9 Sleep Tips to Make Sure You Get An Amazing Night's Rest
The time in which you're sleeping is the most optimal time for recovery and restoration of your body. These 9 tips will give you the best night's sleep ever!
The time in which you're sleeping is the most optimal time for recovery and restoration of your body. These 9 tips will give you the best night's sleep ever!
Resting your body, especially in ways like sleeping is SO important for overall health. When your body is depleted, exhausted and stressed, sometimes a good night's sleep is all you need to restore it. There are tons of factors involved in getting some quality shut eye, but these tips are amongst the most effective so that you don't wake up in the middle of the night.
Check them out!
Minimize blue light screen time
Don't eat before bed
Avoid doing things on your bed besides sleeping
How much time do you spend on your devices per day?
How much time do you spend on your devices per day?
Wind down with candlelight
Exercise for at least 20 min a day
Which sleep technique do you use to go to sleep?
Which sleep technique do you use to go to sleep?
Practice deep breathing
Stay still
How many hors of sleep do you get per night?
How many hors of sleep do you get per night?
Try Chamomile tea
Read a book
Which sleep remedy have you tried?
Which sleep remedy have you tried?