12 Journaling Prompts To Bring Clarity And Inspiration To Your Day

Journaling can help you get out of your head and onto the page.

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Apr 1, 2022
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It's great to process thoughts and emotions and to create space for decision-making and relationships.

Find a quiet space in your room, outside or in a library. Jot down these prompts and start writing.

Let your emotions guide you and the key to this is to not stop writing! This flow process will tap into your subconscious mind so you can get everything you need to get out onto that page.

Choose a few of these prompts to get started:


What have you lost and what do you need?


What is your profession and what is your calling?


Look in the mirror for at least 30 seconds, write down what you see and feel.


How do you feel at work, how do you feel at home, how do you feel with your friends...etc.


What does my ideal day look like and how does it go realistically?

How did you wake up this morning?

Choose a color:

How often do you journal?

Which nature scene are you drawn to most?

Choose a number:

Which mental health issue do you identify with most?

What do you prefer to do:

Choose a statue:

Choose an image:

Choose a snack:

If someone described me, what would they say?

If someone described me, what would they say?

Use this prompt to get some perspective on your own self-image. What would someone else say about you?

What is something you need to forgive yourself for? Write it down and leave it in the past.

What is something you need to forgive yourself for? Write it down and leave it in the past.

The first step to moving on from something is forgiveness. You might need a dose of forgiveness right now, whatever you're holding onto, write it down and see how you shift emotionally.

What does my ideal day look like and how does it go realistically?

What does my ideal day look like and how does it go realistically?

You may need some more balance in your day. You would be surprised how a change of habits can change your mood.

QUIZ: What Journaling Prompt Should You Reflect On Right Now?

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How did you wake up this morning?


If you were sitting on a beach right now, what would you be thinking?


What do you know to be true that you didn't know a year ago?


If someone described me, what would they say?


What happened before I felt a shift in my mood today?


What hurts right now? How can I find relief?


I don't know why I ___________, but I might want to change it.


What is something you need to forgive yourself for? Write it down and leave it in the past.

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