13 Times Monica Geller Totally Understood The Coronavirus Quarantine
13 Times Monica Geller Totally Understood The Coronavirus Quarantine
Monica Geller is the ultimate neat freak so obviously she'd know a thing or two about the coronavirus...
Monica Geller is the ultimate neat freak so obviously she'd know a thing or two about the coronavirus...

I thought I had more rolls! What are we gonna wipe with now!
And imagine that...it's still going on....I know!
Just to be in the presence of your friends would be great.
I cleaned the floor, now I should clean the vacuum...and now I should clean the cloth I used to clean the vacuum...now I'll wash my hands.
Does this mean we have to share toilet paper? :)
Yeah this is good...ramen with kim chi flavouring, exactly what I want. Mmmm Mmm Mmmm!
This is your chance to totally disturb the peace and shout whatever the heck you want!
It may be hard to understand....but that's cause they made it that way!
Have you ever noticed how intricate the tiles are on the floor?
They say that all the world's a stage and apparent your shower has turned into a cabaret space.
You rely on your cleaning products more than ever now! Next thing you know you'll be having movie night with your dust buster.
Don't want to track the virus inside...
It is an ordeal, sometimes you need to discuss it with a friend.
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