20 Funny Memes About Quarantine That Will Have You On The Floor
20 Funny Memes About Quarantine That Will Have You On The Floor
If you're like us, you're in quarantine...we could all use a laugh right about now as we stare out our windows and proceed to eat nothing but PB and J's and boredom.
If you're like us, you're in quarantine...we could all use a laugh right about now as we stare out our windows and proceed to eat nothing but PB and J's and boredom.

When Spongebob perfectly described the quarantine:
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It's okay, it's gonna be okay....my "friends" told me so.
When everyday is the same, it's like...it never ends...ah!
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This day looks strangely like the last...
When Saturday becomes...day.
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Ok let's get on with the "day."
As the days go on...things are getting a little....existential....
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Everything has a new dimension to it...or....it's boredom.
After quarantine:
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We have no idea what things will be like after quarantine, but we know it'll probably be hella weird.
Getting a little loopy
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Being by yourself can make you feel a little crazy. But just know that everyone's a little loopy right now.
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