4 Crystals for Self Love
4 Crystals for Self Love
These crystals will create a space so you can connect to your heart space and go with your heart flow.
These crystals will create a space so you can connect to your heart space and go with your heart flow.

Crystals are geodes that can transmute and transform energy. Many people use crystals to heal their body, mind and spirit as well as promote self-love and self-worth.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the perfect stone for all things related to love. If you want to learn to love yourself, looking for a loving relationship or wanting to bring more positive and loving things into your life, then you need this stone!
Rose Quartz is known to heal and transmute negative emotions in the heart. This crystal helps you to connect with your heart space and to go with your heart flow. Think of Rose Quartz as having "grandmother energy." Carrying this stone is like having your grandma with you letting you know that everything will be okay.
The crystal may also nudge you gently to get you to notice certain things. Maybe you're eating too much junk food, or you are hanging out with people who aren't your true friends. Rose Quartz is like a whisper in your ear encouraging you to make compassionate changes for yourself.
Connect to your heart by holding a piece of Rose Quartz to your heart chakra (chest). Breathe into the crystal and let the energy of your heart expand. Envision a green or pink light expanding outwardly with every breath you take. After the meditation, write down what you felt or experienced.
A part of self-love is attracting people who support you in your journey. Rose Quartz will help attract the right people and loving connections so you can focus on you and your own heart energy.
Rhodonite is a pink stone with streaks of black, it is a protective stone that helps to heal the heart from shock or panic. Rhodonite will help you connect with the right people you need at the moment. If you are going through a difficult time, Rhodonite may also connect you with friends and family and people who will be your protectors.
Rhodonite deals with the past and helps to support the heart during times of stress and worry. The black streaks protect the heart and pulls you back from any harmful energies.
Hold a piece of Rhodonite on your heart chakra, while laying down. Breathe deeply into the stone and allow your body to ground and relax. Picture the stone relaxing your body and let your breath relax your heart space. Do a body scan and scan the outline of your body. Ask yourself what you need right now. After the meditation, journal what you discovered.
Rhodonite can help send healing energy to you through dreams. Put Rhodonite under your pillow for healing dreams and to help nightmares.
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You should use...Rhodochrosite!
You should use...Rhodochrosite!
Rhodochrosite reminds us of universal love and brings loving energy. It accentuates self-worth and connections to people who connect to your loving heart vibration.
You should use...Rhodonite!
You should use...Rhodonite!
Rhodonite clears away negative energy and promotes inner reflection for self-love and healing. Rhodonite also brings out your unique qualities and brings comfort to th
You should use...Rose Quartz!
You should use...Rose Quartz!
Rose Quartz encourages self-love and compassion for others. It helps to connect to people who have a similar vibration and who will support your heart's energy.
You should use...Jade!
You should use...Jade!
Jade is great for connecting to your heart path. Jade encourages your heart flow and connects you to your dreams.
Green Jade
Green Jade is a powerful stone for self-love and manifestation. Green is the color associated with the heart chakra, so is a healing stone for the heart.
Green Jade clears limiting behaviors and opens your heart-focused path. If you are feeling confused as to where you should focus your heart, Jade will help you find your flow.
Jade will encourage your heart's truth and will accentuate ideas, people or wishes you have that are from your heart.
Place a piece of Jade on your heart and breathe into the stone. Envision a green forest. Walk-in this green forest and breathe deeply. Keep walking until you find your path. Keep walking this path while breathing deeply. Come upon a clearing and sit on a stone bench. End the meditation and journal what you experienced.
Jade is also a great stone for manifestation and can bring luck, wealth and prosperity for whoever carries it.
Rhodochrosite is a stone of self-love and universal love. Rhodochrosite helps heal worries and anxieties, promoting inner peace and feeling at one with the universe.
Rhodochrosite reminds you that all creatures large and small matter and are a part of the universal web of existence.
This crystal encourages gentle energy towards the heart and supports the release of past worries and traumas.
We naturally have self-love already within us, but it can get overwhelmed by judgments and negative thoughts. Carrying Rhodochrosite will give you a sense of self-worth and will reconnect you with your heart, uncovering your integral self-love.
Place a piece of Rhodochrosite on your heart (chest). Breathe deeply into the stone and relax your heart. Tune into the energy of your heart and let it flow where it needs to. Ask yourself: What does my heart need right now? After the meditation write down what you discovered and experienced.