Can You Finish These Famous Phrases Of Poetry?
Can You Finish These Famous Phrases Of Poetry?
Are you a poetic genius? Finish these phrases and see for yourself
Are you a poetic genius? Finish these phrases and see for yourself
1 / 10
“'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have ________”
2 / 10
“Tread softly because you tread on my _______".
3 / 10
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one _________."
4 / 10
“If I should die, think _________"
5 / 10
“Water, water, everywhere, nor any _________".
6 / 10
“Season of mists and mellow __________"
7 / 10
“I wandered lonely as a _____”
8 / 10
"If music be the food of love, ______"
9 / 10
"We few, we happy few, we band of ________"
10 / 10
“To be or not to be: __________
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On Nov 18, 2021