Can You Guess Which Will Smith Movie These Quotes Are From?

Let's see how many quotes from his movies you can correctly place!

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Sep 26, 2021
1 / 10

"Carlton, don't make me come down there!”

2 / 10

"No, you freeze, bitch!"

3 / 10

"In seven days, God created the world..."

4 / 10

"You have so got to die.”

5 / 10

Aw, hell no!”

6 / 10

"You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good."

7 / 10

"I hear you lost your swing. I guess we got to go find it."

8 / 10

"Every moment in life is a learning experience. Or what good is it, right?"

9 / 10

"I made you look like a prince on the outside, but I didn't change anything on the inside."

10 / 10

"We ride together, we die together."

Questions left
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