Can You Pass This Basic Financial Knowledge Test?
Can You Pass This Basic Financial Knowledge Test?
You may think you know alot about money, but are you truly financially savvy!?
You may think you know alot about money, but are you truly financially savvy!?
1 / 10
What is a credit report?
2 / 10
What can lower a credit score?
3 / 10
What is simple interest rate?
4 / 10
What does an RRSP stand for?
5 / 10
What does high inflation mean?
6 / 10
What are capital gains?
7 / 10
What is the most valuable cryptocurrency currently?
8 / 10
What is payout annuity?
9 / 10
What is compound interest rate?
10 / 10
What is net worth?
Questions left
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021