Can You Pass This Coronavirus Fast Fact Quiz?

How much do you know about the Coronavirus? Are you up to date on all the facts? Let's test your knowledge!

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Apr 10, 2020
1 / 15

There is a vaccine available for coronavirus.

2 / 15

Where did the coronavirus likely originate?

3 / 15

Can you catch the virus from your pet?

4 / 15

How can you protect yourself from coronavirus?

5 / 15

What percent of alcohol does there need to be in sanitizer in order to kill coronavirus disease?

6 / 15

How long should you wash your hands to kill the coronavirus?

7 / 15

Is the coronavirus the same as the flu?

8 / 15

Is the coronavirus transmitted in cold or hot temperatures?

9 / 15

How long does the coronavirus stay on cardboard?

10 / 15

How long does the coronavirus stay on plastic?

11 / 15

How long does the coronavirus stay on stainless steel?

12 / 15

How is the coronavirus spread?

13 / 15

Using heat through a hand dryer or a hot bath can prevent coronavirus infection:

14 / 15

Which surface does coronavirus live on for only 3 hours?

15 / 15

What type of virus is the coronavirus?

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