Can You Pass This French Etiquette Test?
Can You Pass This French Etiquette Test?
Can you get along like the French? Take this test to find out!
Can you get along like the French? Take this test to find out!
1 / 10
What is the greeting you must always say to someone?
2 / 10
Which side should you kiss a French person's cheek first?
3 / 10
When should you arrive for a 5pm dinner at a restaurant?
4 / 10
When can you start eating at a dinner party?
5 / 10
How should you dress for a formal dinner party?
6 / 10
What topic is off the table during dinner conversation?
7 / 10
What are the top three topics of conversation?
8 / 10
Should you speak English to a French person?
9 / 10
When you are talking to a stranger it is rude to talk too much, especially if you are excited. True or False?
10 / 10
How do French people silence each other?
Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021