Can You Pass This Medieval Baking Quiz?

I know it's passé, but Medieval Baking is totally niche right now! Can you pass this Medieval Baking test?

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Sep 12, 2021
1 / 10

What was "Horsebread?"

2 / 10

What was an ingredient in Medieval Gingerbread?

3 / 10

How heavy were early Medieval cakes?

4 / 10

What were "wiggs?"

5 / 10

What two ingredients caused an explosion of luxury baking in the 16th and 17th centuries?

6 / 10

When yeasted buns and cakes were introduced, what was their medical purpose?

7 / 10

What was a popular cookbook in 1747?

8 / 10

What kind of meat were used in traditional minced meat pies?

9 / 10

What type of bread did medieval physicians recommend to be the healthiest?

10 / 10

What was a popular ingredient used in Medieval Baking?

Questions left
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