Can You Pass This Quiz On The Secrets Of Hogwarts?
Can You Pass This Quiz On The Secrets Of Hogwarts?
Although Hogwarts is legendary in the Wizarding World, it also holds many secrets that not many wizards or muggles know about. Let's see how much you know about these secrets!
Although Hogwarts is legendary in the Wizarding World, it also holds many secrets that not many wizards or muggles know about. Let's see how much you know about these secrets!

Which statue opens a secret passage way?
Where is another secret passageway located?
Where in the girls' bathroom is there another secret passageway?
Which body of nature leads to the Shrieking Shack?
What is the Shrieking Shack used for?
What must you say in order to open the Marauder's Map?
Who was originally one of the owners of the Marauder's Map?
If a Muggle looks at Hogwarts, what do they see?
On the painting of the fruit bowl, which fruit must you tickle to open the secret passage?
What is another name for the room Dobby calls the Come and Go room?
Where does the Vanishing Cabinet lead to?
Which portrait at the Hog's Head is a portal from Hogwarts?
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