Choose Some Quarantine Food And We'll Tell You Which Character From The Office You Are Right Now
Choose Some Quarantine Food And We'll Tell You Which Character From The Office You Are Right Now
Even though being in quarantine is not of the saving graces abut being in quarantine is directly access to all the delicious food you want via your fridge. Choose some of your favorite quarantine food and we'll reveal the office character you are!
Even though being in quarantine is not of the saving graces abut being in quarantine is directly access to all the delicious food you want via your fridge. Choose some of your favorite quarantine food and we'll reveal the office character you are!

Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
Choose some quarantine food:
You are...Michael!
You are...Michael!
You are Michael! Which means right now you are not handling this quarantine thing very well. But you're figuring it out day by day. You're used to contact with other people and it's so hard to stay by yourself!
You are...Pam!
You are...Pam!
Pam is patient and she cares about the office to an extent, but at the end of the day she would just rather slack off and pull pranks. In quarantine, you have a pretty diligent routine set up for yourself, like Pam would have and as an introvert you are great at being on your own. Bring on the chips and dip!
You are...Jim!
You are...Jim!
Jim somehow finds a way to do as little work as possible and slip by at the office. He is pretty ingenious and is great at planning pranks. Like Jim, you are peeved to have to stay in quarantine, but at the same time are psyched about all the snacks you're going to eat and movies you're going to watch. As an introvert, like Jim you've been training for this your whole life.
You are...Dwight!
You are...Dwight!
In a quarantine situation, Dwight would be surprisingly calm about the virus situation. He can always quarantine at his farm and he has a field of beets for sustenance. The only thing he's concerned about is the violent mobs that will result from lack of toilet paper stock.
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