Eat Some Green Food And We'll Tell You Your St. Patty's Day Future
Eat Some Green Food And We'll Tell You Your St. Patty's Day Future
What lies before you on St. Patrick's Day? Is it a pot of gold? Or could it be just a really bad hangover. Which ever it is, this green food test will predict your St. Patty's future!
What lies before you on St. Patrick's Day? Is it a pot of gold? Or could it be just a really bad hangover. Which ever it is, this green food test will predict your St. Patty's future!

Choose some green vegetables:
Choose some green fruit:
Choose some green drinks:
Choose some green sauces:
Choose a green baked good:
Choose some more green food:
Choose some more green food:
Choose some more green food:
You will see a double rainbow! Awww!
You will see a double rainbow! Awww!
On St. Patty's Day you will see a double rainbow! Quite a rare sight! But we all know what comes at the end of a double rainbow...double pots of gold! Who knows, maybe there will be a box of Lucky Charms cereal, which is better than gold anyway!
Your St. Patty's wish will come true!
Your St. Patty's wish will come true!
Everyone knows that if you see a rainbow on St. Patty's day, that you must make a wish. For this wish is bound to come true on that very same day. What will you wish for?
You will befriend a...Leprechaun!
You will befriend a...Leprechaun!
Leprechauns are tiny creatures that are the keepers of the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. You will have the lucky fortune of meeting one of these mythical creatures on the day of St. Patty's. But be careful, because they are known to "wreak havoc" on unsuspecting humans. So approach them slowly.
You will find a...Pot of Gold!
You will find a...Pot of Gold!
Wow! And we're not talking about the boxes of "Pot of Gold" chocolates, this is a real pot of gold. You will find one when you're out on your St. Patty's day shenanigans.