Eat Some Ice Cream and We'll Reveal Your Near Future
Eat Some Ice Cream and We'll Reveal Your Near Future
Will your fave ice cream flavors reveal what's to happen to you soon?
Will your fave ice cream flavors reveal what's to happen to you soon?
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
Choose an ice cream flavor:
You will meet your soulmate in the near future!
You will meet your soulmate in the near future!
You will meet someone that you feel an instant connection to, when this happens, pay attention because they could be your soulmate!
You will get your dream job!
You will get your dream job!
You've been applying to so many jobs recently, you will get your dream job very soon. Check your inbox regularily because it's coming in a few days!
You will come up with a genius idea!
You will come up with a genius idea!
In the near future you will think of a genius idea and begin a new project! This could be an artistic idea, for a business or a new invention. Trust your instinct and follow through!
Choose an ice cream eating method:
Choose an ice cream eating method: