How Many Weird Christmas Facts Do You Know?
How Many Weird Christmas Facts Do You Know?
Christmas is kind of odd don't you think? A man in a red suit somehow going down every chimney in the world in one night? Let's see if you know these even weirder Christmas facts.
Christmas is kind of odd don't you think? A man in a red suit somehow going down every chimney in the world in one night? Let's see if you know these even weirder Christmas facts.
1 / 10
Where did Santa's red suit and white beard originate?
2 / 10
Was Christmas originally on December 25?
3 / 10
When did the Christmas tree originate?
4 / 10
What was St. Nicholas renowned for?
5 / 10
Which country started the cookies and milk tradition?
6 / 10
Where did the stocking hanging tradition come from?
7 / 10
How did Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer start?
8 / 10
What name was Rudolph almost named?
9 / 10
What type of song was "Jingle Bells" originally?
10 / 10
Was it ever illegal to celebrate Christmas?
Questions left
What is the weirdest part of Christmas to you?
What is the weirdest part of Christmas to you?
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021