How Much Ancient Egyptian Knowledge Do You Know?
How Much Ancient Egyptian Knowledge Do You Know?
Egypt is one of the most mysterious and cryptic places in the world! How much ancient knowledge do you know?
Egypt is one of the most mysterious and cryptic places in the world! How much ancient knowledge do you know?
Created by Lea Abelson
On Dec 5, 2021
1 / 10
Cleopatra was Egyptian:
2 / 10
What is one of the most ancient known Egyptian board games?
3 / 10
What rights did Ancent Egyptian women have?
4 / 10
What was the site of the first labour strke in history?
5 / 10
Egyptian Pharoahs were often overweight:
6 / 10
Who built the pyramids?
7 / 10
How did King Tut die?
8 / 10
What were dentists called?
9 / 10
Which animals were common as pets?
10 / 10
What was the purpose of makeup in Ancient Egypt?
Questions left
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