How Much Do You Know About Hogwarts History?
How Much Do You Know About Hogwarts History?
Hogwarts has been around for eons! But how much do you know about its historical background. You may be surprised what you find!
Hogwarts has been around for eons! But how much do you know about its historical background. You may be surprised what you find!

Created by Lea Abelson
On Mar 30, 2020
1 / 12
Where is Hogwarts located?
2 / 12
What is Hogwarts' motto, translated from latin?
3 / 12
What year was Hogwarts founded?
4 / 12
Who built the Chamber of Secrets?
5 / 12
Why did Salazar build the Chamber of Secrets?
6 / 12
Which founder wore the enchanted diadem?
7 / 12
Which Hogwarts ghost was in love with Helena Ravenclaw?
8 / 12
Whose hat is the sorting hat?
9 / 12
Which founder was famous for her food-related charms?
10 / 12
Who opened the Chamber of secrets in their fifth year?
11 / 12
Who was the first head of Hogwarts?
12 / 12
Which two founders famously despised each other?
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