Only Holly Jolly Geniuses Can Solve These Christmas Riddles
Only Holly Jolly Geniuses Can Solve These Christmas Riddles
Get ready for Christmas by trying your hand at these festive riddles.
Get ready for Christmas by trying your hand at these festive riddles.

I come with a lot of colors, so lovely and bright. I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I?
Open me every day for something that can’t be beat. Behind each of the doors, you will discover a tasty treat. What am I?
You place a skirt around my bottom once I’ve been chopped. On the other end, a star or an angel is how I get topped. What am I?
Although it might look like I belong on your toes, I’m actually hung up for gifts as every child knows. What am I?
I am a plant seen every Christmas which people hang up above and then they stand beneath me and kiss someone they love. What am I?
You might make me this Christmas so that you can stuff me your face. A cake, icing, candy, and an edible dwelling place. What am I?
I can be made from evergreens, pine cones, berries, and I am round. On the front door of someone’s house, at Christmas time I am found. What am I?
I drop from the sky far more beautiful than rain. There are no two pieces that’ll ever look the same. What am I?
We traveled from the East, following a bright star, bringing gifts to the newborn King. Who were we?
Santa Claus rides on it as he gives out gifts, and to it, nine reindeer are hitched. What is it?