Quick! Fill In Your Word Associations And We'll Reveal What Will Happen To You Tomorrow
Quick! Fill In Your Word Associations And We'll Reveal What Will Happen To You Tomorrow
What's around the corner? A job interview, a first kiss, finding money on the sidewalk? What will happen tomorrow?!
What's around the corner? A job interview, a first kiss, finding money on the sidewalk? What will happen tomorrow?!

What word do you associate with...candy?
What word do you associate with...number?
What word do you associate with... spinach?
What word do you associate with...table?
What word do you associate with...toaster?
What word do you associate with...heart?
What word do you associate with...camera?
What word do you associate with...red?
What word do you associate with...mouse?
What word do you associate with...moon?
Tomorrow, you will find $ on the sidewalk!
Tomorrow, you will find $ on the sidewalk!
Tomorrow, keep your eyes on the ground because you will cash into some serious sidewalk money!
Tomorrow, your crush will ask you out!
Tomorrow, your crush will ask you out!
Don't doubt it because your long-time crush will turn into a date! They will ask you out sometime tomorrow so stay near the phone/computer.
Tomorrow, someone will give you a gift!
Tomorrow, someone will give you a gift!
I'm not sure who or when this will happen, but you will get a gift and it will be something you've always wanted!