Rate These Candies And We'll Reveal How Popular You Were In Highschool
Rate These Candies And We'll Reveal How Popular You Were In Highschool
What are your favorite candies and how would you rate them between 1 and 5? (5 being the best) The result will tell you how popular you were!
What are your favorite candies and how would you rate them between 1 and 5? (5 being the best) The result will tell you how popular you were!

Watermelon Gummies:
Reese Big C
Peach Rings:
Chocolate Covered Raisins:
Juice Berries:
Kit Kat:
Jelly Bellies:
You were...Extremely Popular in Highschool!
You were...Extremely Popular in Highschool!
You weren't just part of the in crowd, you led it! Everyone knew your name and you probably held a position in some kind of school council. Yup, you were the bee's knees and cat's pajamas.
You were....Part of the In-Crowd in high school.
You were....Part of the In-Crowd in high school.
Let's just say, you weren't high school royalty per say, but you were friends with popular people, thus making you pseudo popular!
You were...sorry...not popular.
You were...sorry...not popular.
In order for teens to be popular, some people have to be unpopular. But the good news is, is that being unpopular doesn't mean being uncool, in fact these days, it's cool to be unpopular...but maybe just a little...painful.