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Tell Us The Weirdest Places You've Napped and We'll Rate Your Personality 

Have you ever napped in an airplane compartment?

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Mar 9, 2024
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Some people can nap anywhere while others have a harder time. I'm sure you've napped on some pretty weird surfaces. Let's see just how weird they've gotten. Tell us which spaces you've napped in or on before and we will sincerely rate your personality. Get ready for the truth!

Where is the weirdest place you've napped?

Where else have you napped?

Where have you napped that would be considered weird?

Where else have you napped?

Where else?

Where else have you napped?

Where is the weirdest place you've napped?

Where else?

Where else did you nap?

Where else?

We rate your personality a....10 out of 10!

We rate your personality a....10 out of 10!

That's right, you basically have one of the best personalities out there. You shine brightly in almost every situation you put yourself in. You also practice things that normally people wouldn't think about lik e active listening and patience. This is what makes you so likable and a popular person in your social circles.

We rate your personality a...7 out of 10!

We rate your personality a...7 out of 10!

You are leaning towards being a really good person, though not totally there yet! You're thoughtful, funny, and usually sweet to everyone unless someone presses your buttons. You shine in most situations and almost everyone knows you in your immediate network. Nice!

We rate your personality a...5 out of 10.

We rate your personality a...5 out of 10.

We're not saying you're horrible, but we're not saying you're great either. You fit nicely in the middle of our rating system. You can be nice to people and usually think the best of others, but you have some trait to you that like to come out like impatience, being annoyed for no reason, and the odd judgemental remark.

1 / 10

Where is the weirdest place you've napped?

How long do you nap for?

Calculating results
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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