Tell Us Your Random Opinions And We'll Tell You What You Should Do Tomorrow
Tell Us Your Random Opinions And We'll Tell You What You Should Do Tomorrow
You tell us what you think, we tell you what will happen to you tomorrow. Sounds crazy, but it works.
You tell us what you think, we tell you what will happen to you tomorrow. Sounds crazy, but it works.

What do you think of jellyfish?
What do you think of turkey bacon?
What is your opinion on public pools?
What is your opinion on parmesan cheese?
What is your opinion on koala bears!?
What is your opinion on vests?
What is your opinion on the coral reefs?
What do you think of apple sauce?
What is your opinion on Christmas?
What is your opinion on soda water?
Tomorrow, you should order a whole pizza and eat it!
Tomorrow, you should order a whole pizza and eat it!
You've probably been strict with yourself lately, well tomorrow, it goes out the window!
Tomorrow, you should contact that person you've been meaning to contact.
Tomorrow, you should contact that person you've been meaning to contact.
You know that person who's always on your mind. Well, tomorrow is the day! The time is nigh! Contact this person!
Tomorrow, you should clean out your shelves and organize.
Tomorrow, you should clean out your shelves and organize.
Something tells me you need to overhaul your shelving unit, sometimes cleaning can be therapeutic, you can even donate items to goodwill. Out with the old and in with the new!