The Puppies You Choose to Adopt Will Reveal Your Sensitivity Level
The Puppies You Choose to Adopt Will Reveal Your Sensitivity Level
Oh my gosh, how can you resist! Choose the sweetest puppies and we'll reveal how sensitive you really are.
Oh my gosh, how can you resist! Choose the sweetest puppies and we'll reveal how sensitive you really are.
Puppies, puppies everywhere! Everyone loves puppies, but only certain people are super sensitive to them. Are you one of those sensitive people who love animals? Choose the puppies you would be most likely to adopt and it'll tell us what level of sensitivity you have!
>> Can You Correctly Identify the Breed of These Cute Puppies? <<
Choose a puppy!
Which pup would you choose from this bundle?
Which pup are you drawn to most?
Which puppy would you adopt?
Which pup is the sweetest in your eyes?
Which pup would you like to adopt?
Choose a puppy from this group!
Which pup is your favorite?
Which pup jumps out at you most?
Which puppy would you totally cuddle?
You are not very sensitive
You are not very sensitive
You've never been very sensitive. Even though you feel your emotions you get over things easily and you don't often dwell on emotional topics or situations.
You are somewhat sensitive!
You are somewhat sensitive!
You have a medium sensitivity level. You sometimes need a break from crowds and you often will react more intensely to situations. You also are not afraid to cry and show your emotions.
You are extremelyyyyy sensitive!
You are extremelyyyyy sensitive!
You have all the feels and you can't help but feel your emotions very deeply. You also tend to feel others' emotions and have a deep connection to animals.
Which puppy treat would you give your pup?
Which puppy treat would you give your pup?