This Color Test Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality
This Color Test Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality
Ever wonder who you are on the inside? I mean the deep, deep inside? Colors have the power to tap into our subconscious and reveal hidden truths. What is your hidden personality?
Ever wonder who you are on the inside? I mean the deep, deep inside? Colors have the power to tap into our subconscious and reveal hidden truths. What is your hidden personality?

Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Choose a color:
Your hidden personality is....Sweet!
Your hidden personality is....Sweet!
You may be rough on the outside...but there is a deep part of that is just sweet as pie! You really, really care about people. And even though you're not so overt about it, people can sense it!
Your hidden personality is...Protective.
Your hidden personality is...Protective.
You may not think you have this side to you, but deep inside there is a part of you that is very protective of your family and friends and even of yourself. You would even stand up to a bully, but maybe you never had to. Just know you could if you ever had to.
Your hidden personality is...Funny!
Your hidden personality is...Funny!
There is a secret hidden part of that is just hilarious! You may not even be aware of it yet, but you even have the potential to be a stand up comedian or a funny vlogger! Start talking to a camera and see what comes out, you may be surprised!
Your hidden personality is....Clever!
Your hidden personality is....Clever!
You may be shy an modest on the outside, but there is a hidden part of you that's just buzzing with cleverness! You could talk for hours and hours about interesting topics to people you know closely.
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