This Crystal Test Will Point You Towards Your Truth
This Crystal Test Will Point You Towards Your Truth
What is your truth right now? Find out by choosing the crystals that resonate with you.
What is your truth right now? Find out by choosing the crystals that resonate with you.
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Your truth is balance!
Your truth is balance!
You are burning the midnight oil, eating too much junk food or being too extreme in one area of your life. Think of what will balance takes time to strike the right balance.
Your truth is to...make that change!
Your truth is to...make that change!
You can feel that things may have stagnated a bit, now is the time to make that change you've been thinking of!
Your truth look within.
Your truth look within.
You may have been doing a lot of outward things lately. Now is the time to slow down and look within. Try meditating, deep breathing and really ask yourself how you are feeling and what you want.