This Crystal Test Will Reveal Who Your Spirit Guide Is
This Crystal Test Will Reveal Who Your Spirit Guide Is
Crystals have secret powers, it's true! They each hold a frequency unique to their crystalline structure. They can even reveal who your sprit guide is! Curious? Take this quiz to find out!
Crystals have secret powers, it's true! They each hold a frequency unique to their crystalline structure. They can even reveal who your sprit guide is! Curious? Take this quiz to find out!

Choose a crystal:
Choose an amethyst:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a fluorite crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Choose a crystal:
Your spirit guide is....Your great-great grandmother!
Your spirit guide is....Your great-great grandmother!
You may have never met your great-great grandmother but she is around you all the time. She's here to take care of you physically, mentally and emotionally. If you're going through a bad breakup she directs you to comfort. If you have a bad day at work, she may send you an encouraging message.
Your spirit guide Angel!
Your spirit guide Angel!
Some people even have multiple angels watching over them. They usually come around you during a crisis situation or when you need some extra support. They help the healing process and can bring help to you when needed.
Your spirit guide Animal!
Your spirit guide Animal!
Animal guides help you to connect back to nature and earth. You may be feeling frazzled, confused and stressed. Animal guides will guide you towards activities, people and places that will reinvigorate you and bring you back to a place of balance.