This Smoothie Quiz Will Decide What Workout You Should Do Today
This Smoothie Quiz Will Decide What Workout You Should Do Today
Many people would argue that smoothies and workouts go together like chocolate and peanut butter. Are you one of them?
Many people would argue that smoothies and workouts go together like chocolate and peanut butter. Are you one of them?
Lately we've been completely smoothie-crazy! Smoothies are a quick way to get in those fruits, veggies, and nutrients after a workout, or for breakfast. Go through these unique smoothie flavors, choose your favorites and we will reveal the workout you should take on today. Alright, what are you waiting for?
>> These Food Hacks Will Make You Rethink Your Breakfast
If you had to choose between three smoothies to have for breakfast, which one would be your pick?!
Which smoothie absolutely ~tickles your fancy~?
What type of green smoothie would you be willing to try?
Which nut-based smoothie sounds best?
Which one would you drink after a workout?
What about the following three? Which looks tastiest?
At a store, which smoothie would you grab?
Which smoothie do you think you'd slurp up the fastest?
Which is calling your name?
Which smoothie could you have every day of the week?
You should do a yogilates workout
You should do a yogilates workout
You need a bit of both, an intense, strength focussed pilates workout and a zen, chill movement flow. Yogilates is the perfect workout for you. Grab a mat and get your sweat on!
You should do a Zumba workout
You should do a Zumba workout
Live your best life and do a Zumba workout right now. It's a satisfying mix of free-form aerobics which combines cardio and Latin-inspired dance moves. Get your salsa on and move to your own beat.
You should do a Kickboxing workout
You should do a Kickboxing workout
You have some pent-up energy that needs to come out. Kickboxing is perfect for getting all that stress and angst out there! Let your anger flow and punch that bag to smithereens!
Which smoothie ingredient is a must for you?
Which smoothie ingredient is a must for you?