What Do You See? These Optical Illusions Will Reveal Your Type of Intelligence
What Do You See? These Optical Illusions Will Reveal Your Type of Intelligence
You may have to squint for some of these... 
You may have to squint for some of these...
These optical illusions should make you dizzy. But based on what you actually see from the illusion can tell us what type of intelligence you have. Do you have Rational, Emotional, or Artistic intelligence? Some of these can be tricky, so you may have to squint!
>> How Your Brain Interprets These Optical Illusions Will Determine If You Are Funny or Wise
What do you see?
How many legs does the elephant have?
What do you see?
What color is the dress and flip flops?
What do you see?
What number do you see in the circle?
How many horses do you see?
Is the cat going up or down the stairs?
What number sequence do you see?
Which side of the bar is darker?
You have artistic intelligence!
You have artistic intelligence!
You have a good eye for color and shape! You have high artistic intelligence. Putting together a beautiful image or poster or even editing a video is no problem for you! Artistic intelligence often goes undervalue d and underrated but you know that it's super powerful!
You have rational intelligence!
You have rational intelligence!
This is the most common form of intelligence and you have it! Rational intelligence means you can use your logic easily and solve problems for real-world uses. An example of this would be solving math equations or building a bridge!
You have emotional intelligence!
You have emotional intelligence!
This is an underrated form of intelligence, but actually, lots of people like therapists, teachers, and counselors have it! Everything is connected in your body including your emotions so they can be easily analyzed just like anything else! You are great at navigating relationships, and recognizing emotions in others.
Which tricky puzzles do you like best?
Which tricky puzzles do you like best?