What Is An MBTI Type? How To Figure Out Your Type And What It Means
What Is An MBTI Type? How To Figure Out Your Type And What It Means
The MBTI can reveal your personality type and how you function, react and feel in certain situations.
The MBTI can reveal your personality type and how you function, react and feel in certain situations.

MBTI or Meyers Briggs Type Indicator is used in many workplace and school settings in order to type employees and students. It helps workplaces know what managing and teaching styles work best.
Knowing your MBTI type can help you know your own communication style and how you interact with people and situations.
MBTI types are devised into different categories and functions that line up to create a personality type. Let us explain further.
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The 8 Functions
How does the MBTI form a personality type?
Order of functions
How do you answer a question?
What is your aim in a conversation?
What is your ideal career?
How do you think other people see you?
What happens when you're overwhelmed?
Are you prone to anxiety and depression?
What would you rather do?
If someone gave you an apple without explanation, what would you do?
Are you introverted or extraverted?
Which word best describes you?
Ne is your dominant function!
Ne is your dominant function!
This means that you lead with the ability to connect ideas. You often say your thoughts out loud to yourself and it helps you formulate new ideas. You are a pro-collaborator and are great when put on the spot. You could be either ENTP or ENFP.
Fi is your dominant function!
Fi is your dominant function!
This means that you lead with the ability to connect to people's emotions and to your own emotions. People with dominant Fi are dreamers, and highly creative. You are probably INFP or ISFP.
Te is your dominant function!
Te is your dominant function!
This means that you lead with the ability to assess the facts and go with concrete details as opposed to feelings. People with dominant Te are usually suited in a leadership position or as a business person. You are probably an ENTJ or an ESTJ.
Ni is your dominant function!
Ni is your dominant function!
This means that you lead with the ability to "think without thinking" and "know without knowing how." You are able to follow a stream of consciousness and make conclusions that are useable through this function. Many novelists and artists use Ni as their main function. You could be an INTJ or an INFJ.
Opposing Types
If you take an MBTI quiz and land on a type you don't feel is quite right, you could be correct. Often you have to take multiple tests in order to be sure. You could also take a test with an MBTI practitioner who will add an interview portion to it to make the results more clear.
Basically, your type should make you feel at ease. It should make you feel like you're expressing your authentic self and should be comfortable.
Try the MBTI quiz above and see what your dominant function might be!