Which Hogwarts House Is Your Enemy From?
Which Hogwarts House Is Your Enemy From?
Not all enemies are from Slytherin, Harry. Duh. So which Hogwarts House is your greatest enemy from, then? Only one way to find out - and no, it's not that one girl's fan fiction.
Not all enemies are from Slytherin, Harry. Duh. So which Hogwarts House is your greatest enemy from, then? Only one way to find out - and no, it's not that one girl's fan fiction.
What is your best quality as a wizard?
What is your worst quality as a wizard?
What would you tell your enemy is if you could:
Choose a magical drink:
Choose a magical food:
Choose a magical candy:
Choose a Hogwarts subject:
Choose a book from the Hogwarts Library:
Your enemy is from...Slytherin, after all! Hah!
Your enemy is from...Slytherin, after all! Hah!
Whoa watch out! Not only are you worst enemies with this person, but they have a cunning, suspicious and masterful vibe to them. Once Slytherins set their mind on something they do whatever they can to execute their plan. If you want to defeat a Slytherin, you need to be relentlessly courageous and never let your guard down, even if they seem like they're being nice to you.
Your enemy is from...Hufflepuff!
Your enemy is from...Hufflepuff!
Hufflepuffs are usually the kinder wizards and would ever want to hurt anyone. But Hufflepuffs also have a fierce sense of justice and if you cross their morals, they will bite back!
Your enemy is from...Gryffindor!
Your enemy is from...Gryffindor!
Ooo, your enemy is from Gryffindor which means that he/she can go to extremes. Gryffindors are known to be brave, bold and have leadership qualities. Watch out for this person because just like the lion, they're really good at hunting down their prey and if you press their buttons enough they will pounce.
Your enemy is from...Ravenclaw!
Your enemy is from...Ravenclaw!
Ravenclaws can be very cunning indeed. They rely on their intelligence mostly and that's how they navigate the world. An enemy form this house may try to manipulate you with their words and talk circles around you until you become confused. Don't let them get the last word!