Which Legendary Animal Is Your Spirit Guide?
Which Legendary Animal Is Your Spirit Guide?
Which mystical, magical animal has your back?
Which mystical, magical animal has your back?
![Lea Abelson](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/f1f89356-03c0-4a9a-8312-617398aa6b38.jpg)
Choose a crystal:
What is your greatest quality?
Which word best describes you?
What do you wish you had more of?
Choose a color:
Choose a time period to live in:
Choose an animal:
Do you believe in fairies? (seriously):
You spirit guide is...A Wooly Mammoth!
You spirit guide is...A Wooly Mammoth!
Even though wooly mammoths have been proven to have existed, they are still super legen-dary!! You can confide in a strong, focused and steady spirit guide which is none other than the wooly mammoth!
Your spirit guide is...Big Foot!
Your spirit guide is...Big Foot!
"Big Foot" is guiding you through your life. The spirit of "Big Foot" is one of independence and gentle guidance. You can depend on Big Foot to guide you through tough times, knowing you can stand your ground on your own is a very good feeling indeed!
Your spirit guide is...a Gryphon!
Your spirit guide is...a Gryphon!
The gryphon is your spirit guide! The powerful assurance of a gryphon can move you swiftly through transitions and hard times within your life. You can do anything with a gryphon by your side!
Your spirit guide is....A Dragon!
Your spirit guide is....A Dragon!
The dragon is your spirit guide! The dragon's wild nature will persuade you to take more risks in your life, to let loose and follow your intuition. With a dragon nearby your life will be more exciting than ever!