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Your Choice of TV Shows Can Reveal How Introverted You Are

People take their favorite TV shows seriously. Your choice of your favorites will determine how introverted you actually are.

Lea Abelson
Created by Lea Abelson
On Jan 7, 2023
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TV watching is one of the most introverted activities you can do. TV shows can be a very personal thing and can even indicate what type of personality you have! Based on your choices of TV shows, we will reveal how introverted you are, a little, average, or extremely introverted!

Which TV show from this list is your favorite?

Pick a TV show!

Which TV show from this list is your favorite?

Pick a TV show!

Which TV show from this list is your favorite?

Pick a TV show!

Which TV show from this list is your favorite?

Pick a TV show!

Which TV show from this list is your favorite?

Pick a TV show!

You are a little introverted!

You are a little introverted!

You are a bit introverted and veering on ambivert. You like spending some time alone but you actively will seek out connections with others. I mean extroverts can't have all the fun.

You are averagely introverted!

You are averagely introverted!

You are average when it comes to introversion. Even though you spend a lot of time by yourself you still love to connect with people, though only for short periods of time.

You are extremely introverted!

You are extremely introverted!

You are extremely introverted and don't care who knows it. You revel in the fact that you can survive a whole day completely on your own and prefer it that way. You have 1-2 close friends and they may or may not be graced with your presence. It depends on how you feel day to day.

How would you best describe your personality?

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