Your Favorite Sandwich Fillings Will Determine if You'll Finally Get Rich This Year
Your Favorite Sandwich Fillings Will Determine if You'll Finally Get Rich This Year
Tuna salad or marshmallow fluff? 
Tuna salad or marshmallow fluff?
You can put almost anything in a sandwich, but what about the classics??! PB&J, ham and cheese, or egg salad? Choose your favorite sandwich fillings that you'd eat during the day, and we'll tell you if you'll finally become rich this year!
>> Let's Get Real, What Type of Sandwich are You?
For breakfast, what type of sandwich would you want?
What would you fill your sandwich with mid-morning?
For lunch, what would you fill your sandwich with?
When going into the office, what type of sandwich do you pack for yourself?
It's tea time! What's your sandwich of choice?
What about snack time?
For dinner, which sandwich are you choosing?
What about after dinner...?
Time for a sweet sandwich! What's for dessert?
What would you fill your sandwich with for a late night snack?
Sorry, but you won't be getting rich this year...
Sorry, but you won't be getting rich this year...
Womp womp! Although you're trying your best, this year, you may not make a lot more money than you already make! It's not to say you won't run into riches, just keep positive! But you may need to stock up on PB and J's this year.
You will become somewhat rich this year!
You will become somewhat rich this year!
You are pluggin' away and you may come into some money very soon! This year you are expected to become somehow rich and make a bit more money than you did last year. Right on!
You will be exponentially more rich this year!
You will be exponentially more rich this year!
Whatever you're doing right now, it's working! You have the potential to become super rich this year. Now you can buy all of the Banh Mi's you want!
Which type of bread do you like most?
Which type of bread do you like most?