This Simple Shape Test Can Determine Your Political Stance!
This Simple Shape Test Can Determine Your Political Stance!
How would you describe your politics? Liberal? Left-wing? Libertarian? This simple shapes test determines where you fall on the political spectrum!
How would you describe your politics? Liberal? Left-wing? Libertarian? This simple shapes test determines where you fall on the political spectrum!

Pick your circle:
Pick your square:
Pick your triangle:
Pick your heart:
Pick your diamond:
Pick your star:
Pick your swirl:
Pick your paint splatter:
You are left wing
You are left wing
According to this shapes test, you're Left-Wing!
You support a woman's right to choose and you oppose the war on drugs as unjust. You see the oppressive system for what it is and you want to shake it up! OK, now let us know what you think in the comments and we'll let you get back to your Marxist book club!
You are right wing
You are right wing
According to this shape test, you're right wing!
You're conservative, patriotic, and hate taxes just about as much as you love your deep dish pizzas and whiskey. Nothing makes you happier than a red map on election day. You generally support a small government, law and order, states' rights and traditional values. "Atlas Shrugged" kind of turns you on and this picture of Ronald Reagan makes you incredibly excited!
You are moderate
You are moderate
According to this shapes test, you're a moderate!
You just can't get off the fence! You see the right on both sides of the political spectrum and you tend to mix and match what you think makes sense. You don't always have strong opinions on every issue, but when you do they're always well thought out. You're a pragmatist and you tend to want a solution that will work for as many people as possible. You're down to earth and sensible. Like most people you are tired of extremes on both sides!
You are libertarian
You are libertarian
According to this shapes test, you're a Libertarian!
You're hard headed, independent, and a true lover of freedom. You really don't know why we need a government, and you'd rather rely on yourself than ever ask for a hand out. You don't mind what people do on their own property, as long as they don't bother you. You have a bit of a live and let be attitude, as long as it doesn't involve taxes! In your ideal world, we'd all just leave each other alone and be happy!